Friday, February 20, 2009

Future Rockette

We're not sure what she'll want to be, but Samantha just might be a future Rockette!

(Make sure to turn up your sound!)

Samantha's 4 Month Photos

We took Samantha to the doctor for her four month check-up. She weighed 13lb. 1 oz. (25th-50th percentile) and is 24.75" long (50th-75th percentile). The doctor cleared her to start on rice cereal, so we gave it a shot. It tastes pretty horrible but, surprisingly, she didn't completely hate it.

(click the photos to see the entire album)

Laughing Baby

Our little one really loves to laugh! Here's a video Jackie took of Samantha laughing out loud (make sure to turn up your sound)...

Samantha's 3 Month Pictures

Here is a small gallery of Sam's 3 month pictures taken by her Aunt Katie. Sam really loves to laugh!

Visit with Great Grandma Mixon

Between Christmas and New Years we went to visit Samantha's Great Grandma Mixon and Great Uncle Bob in Barnwell, SC. We had four generations of Georgia girls (Edith, Sandra, Jackie, and Samantha) as well as four generations of our family.

Here is a slideshow of about 30 pictures. Click on the slideshow to see bigger photos.

The Best Gift of 2008

Here's a video of the best gift of 2008!

Samantha's First Christmas

Samatha had her first Christmas this year. Grandma and Papa Mixon and Aunt Katie came up from Augusta and stayed at our house. We had Christmas morning here and then went to Grandma and Pops' house in John's Creek.
Here is a photo gallery of some of the many pictures we took for Christmas.

(Click on the slideshow to see the entire gallery)