Sunday, December 21, 2008

Samantha's Two Month Photos

We decided that we should get some formal pictures of Samantha for Christmas, and they just happened to be right around her two month appointment.

She's now 23" long and weighs 9 lbs. 13 oz. She is sleeping 8 hours (!!!!) and so are we :)

Here's a sampling of the 50 or so pictures we bought...

Click the photo to see the album.

Sam visits Santa

Santa came to visit our neighborhood earlier this month, and we took Samantha for her first pictures with Santa. She was fascinated with his beard.

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You won't believe what we got on video...

This is classic Mixon/Belding video footage. I promise... this is NOT staged or dubbed over.

TURN UP the volume to hear what our litte one can do :)

Samantha and her Grandma Sandra

Here are a few adorable shots of Samantha and her Grandma Sandra.

Click the photo to see the gallery.

Samatha and her Papa

Samantha and her Papa (aka Carl Mixon) spent some quality time together over the holidays.

Here's a small album of pics of the two of them...

Click the photo to see the album.

Thanksgiving 2008

We had a great Thanksgiving this year! Nine people were at our table for the big feast, including Carl, Sandra, Katie, Katherine, Daryll, Stacey, Jackie, Samantha, and Brett.

Here are some great photos of Sam and the family.

Click the photo to see the gallery.